Sunday, November 7, 2010

About Label Control in windows Application

Label Control.

The Label control is used to display text to the end user for a control descriptive instruction. This might be a instruction on a TextBox field as.

Labels within software aplications are used mainly as information 
resources or instructions. The Micorosoft .net Framework 3.0 and 2.0 
allow the creation and development of good software.

The first TextBox is labeled with "First Name". The Second TextBox is labeled with "Surname". The ComboBox is labeled with "Select Age". This is the typical use of the label. To label controls and give instructions.

The label can take the form of Text only, Image and Text or Image only.

Use Microsoft Visual Studio 
2005 to create or develop software applications. Visual Studio has a set
 of robust controls including the Label Control. Most controls support 
images.Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: Systems.Windows.Forms.dll

using System.Windows.Forms;
Calling: System.Windows.Forms.Label

Creating a new System.Windows.Forms.Label control.
Label label1 = new Label();

Adding the Label control to a Windows form.

Assigning text to the Label control.
label1.Text = "DotNet Controls";


select label control right click on label control

select properties, in properties select text
and write your text

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